Past - Present - Future
Before starting off my main points, I would like to first give the meaning of the question of the question. I know for many of you this question has not much importance and doesn't have much significance in your eyes. But moving forward, History is the place that resided in the past, be it an era into the past or years ago or just a second back into the past. And why do is it necessary that we should dwell in this, the reason is quite satisfying to the one who is always hungry and has cravings for knowing more than his bounds, in the sense that history is bygone ages ago and many of his proves are dead so if we try to explore more into this field we would come to know many things that we didn't knew that existed, and we may find some information or knowledge thay may help us solve our today's problems and it is even possible that we may find some mistakes in the doings of our ancestors and we will be able to rectify them and hence will be able to solve whole sets of new and...